
Today’s snack for drinking at home is Khao Man Gai made in a rice cooker. It’s easy because you just put rice, chicken, and seasonings in the rice cooker and turn on the rice cooker as usual.

This time I made it with healthy rice and barley, but you can also just use rice.
鶏むね肉 1枚
米 1合
もち麦 1合
水 いつもの水加減
★生姜 小さじ1
★にんにく 小さじ1
★ゴマ油 小さじ1
★酒 小さじ1
★中華だし 大さじ1
☆小ネギ 2本
☆酢 大さじ1
☆オイスターソース 大さじ1
☆醤油 小さじ1
☆レモン汁 小さじ1
☆ゴマ油 小さじ1
☆にんにく 少々
☆いりごま 大さじ1
1 chicken breast
1 cup rice
1 cup barley
Water – usual amount
★Ginger – 1 tsp
★Garlic – 1 tsp
★Sesame oil – 1 tsp
★Sake – 1 tbsp
★Chinese soup stock – 1 tbsp
☆Green onions – 2
☆Honey (or sugar) – 1 tbsp
☆Vinegar – 1 tbsp
☆Oyster sauce – 1 tbsp
☆Soy sauce – 1 tsp
☆Lemon juice – 1 tsp
☆Sesame oil – 1 tsp
☆Garlic – a little
☆Roasted sesame seeds – 1 tbsp
炊飯器で作るカオマンガイの作り方(How to make)
① 米を研ぎ、もち麦を入れて、★を入れ、水をいつもの水加減まで入れる
② ①に鶏肉を入れて炊く
③ 炊きあがったら、鶏肉を出して食べやすく切る
④ 器にご飯と③を盛り付ける
⑤ ☆を混ぜたタレをかける
[How to make]
① Wash the rice, add the barley, add ★, and add water up to the usual amount
② Add the chicken to ① and cook
③ Once cooked, remove the chicken and cut it into bite-sized pieces
④ Place the rice and ③ in a bowl
⑤ Pour the sauce mixed with ☆ on top