
Today’s snack is grilled mushroom chikuwa. It’s a super easy snack that just requires hand-shredded mushrooms and hand-torn chikuwa to be topped with cheese and grilled.

No knife or cutting board needed, so cleanup is easy!
キノコ 200g
ちくわ 3本
チーズ 適量
マヨネーズ 適量
一味唐辛子など 適量
Mushrooms: 200g
Chikuwa: 3 pieces
Cheese: as needed
Mayonnaise: as needed
Chimi pepper, etc.: as needed
キノコチクワ焼きの材料(How to make)
① アルミホイルを広げておく
② ①にキノコをほぐして入れ、ちくわは手でちぎって入れる
③ ②にマヨネーズとチーズを乗せてトースターで焼く
④ お好みで一味唐辛子やタバスコなどをかける
[How to make]
① Spread out the aluminum foil
② Chop up the mushrooms and add them to ①, and tear up the chikuwa by hand and add them
③ Place mayonnaise and cheese on ② and bake in the toaster
④ Sprinkle with chili pepper or Tabasco to taste