This is a recipe for sake steamed mushrooms, with ingredients and how to make it. I tried making “sake steamed shellfish” with mushrooms. Mushrooms have a light flavor, so I added garlic and red peppers to accentuate the taste.
きのこ 300g
豚肉 50g
ニンニク 2片
お酒 大さじ3
塩コショウ 適量
赤唐辛子 適量
小葱 適量
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
Mushrooms: 300g
Pork: 50g
Garlic: 2 cloves
Sake: 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper: to taste
Red chili pepper: to taste
Green onion: to taste
Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
きのこの酒蒸しの作り方(How to make)
① キノコは食べやすくほぐし、豚肉は一口大に切る
② ニンニクはみじん切りにする
③ フライパンにオリーブオイルを入れて、②と赤唐辛子を加えて弱火で温める
④ ニンニクの良い香りが出てきたら、豚肉を炒める
⑤ 豚肉に火が通ったらキノコを加えて炒める
⑥ 器に盛り付ける

① Tear the mushrooms into bite-sized pieces and cut the pork into bite-sized pieces
② Finely chop the garlic
③ Add olive oil to a frying pan, add ② and the red pepper, and heat over low heat
④ When the garlic starts to smell good, fry the pork
⑤ When the pork is cooked, add the mushrooms and fry
⑥ Serve on a plate. Garnish with chopped green onions if desired.

If you like, sprinkle some chopped green onions on top and enjoy!